Wotans Throne by Bill Belvin

Bill Belvin
Bill Belvin
Bill is a Sedona based fine arts photographer specializing in creating richly detailed images of the American Southwest wilderness. He loves capturing the patterns and symmetries present in sandstone and sharing the results with others.



Wotans Throne

Wotans Throne is a spectacular ridge best seen from Cape Royal on the north rim of the Grand Canyon.  Wotan is  the Old High Germanic name for the god Odin. This image was shot at sunset in August but sunrise is also magnificent.  August is a great time to visit the north rim as temperatures are cooler than on the south rim and there is a good chance of dynamic weather. The north rim gets far fewer visitors than the south rim and can be easily combined with a trip to Bryce and Zion National Parks. While at Cape Royal be sure to photograph Angel’s Window.